Team > Lukas Alex, M. Ed.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Research Assistant
Lukas Alex is a academic assistant at the Chair of Contemporary History at the University of Bayreuth since 2023. His field of interest is the history of Human genetics and Racial hygine in Germany and its transnational entanglements. He studied History and Mathematics at the University of Münster and graduated with a Master of Education in 2021. In the same year, Lukas Alex started his doctoral studies in Contemporary History at the University of Münster. The thesis on "Population, Family, Individual: Towards a History of Human Genetic Knowledge in the Early Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-1965" is supervised by Prof Isabel Heinemann. Since January 2022, he have been a research assistant in the research project of the same name, funded by the German Research Foundation. In February 2023, the project moved to the University of Bayreuth.
Lukas Alex is member of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD), the Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaft, der Medizin und der Technik (GWMT) and the research network Geschichte der Bio- und Medizinethik (GBME).

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Main Areas of Interest
- History of Human Genetics and Racial Hygine
- History of Knowledge and Science
Research Project
- Population, Family, Individual: Towards a History of Human Genetic Knowledge in the Early Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-1965, founded by the German Research Foundation (2022-2024). Link

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Lukas Alex: Kröger, Philipp: Das vermessene Volk : Nationalitätenstatistik und Bevölkerungspolitik in Deutschlands östlichen Grenzländern 1860-1945. Göttingen, 2023. In:Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 24, S. : 2024
Lukas Alex: Lenz, Widukind . In: Peter Hoeres (Hrsg.): NDB-online. - München: 2023.
Lukas Alex: Human Genetics with(out) Eugenic Knowledge? Towards a History of Knowledge about Human Heredity in West Germany. In: History of Knowledge : Research, Resources, and Perspectives, 2022-09-09
Lukas Alex: Mutanten im Münsterland? Das "Genetik-Register" des Instituts für Humangenetik Münster als regionale Quelle der Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. In: Westfalen/Lippe - Historisch, 2022-09-09
Lukas Alex: Scheitern problematisieren : Otmar von Verschuer und das Münsteraner "Genetik-Register". In: Michael Jungert, Sebastian Schuol (Hrsg.): Scheitern in den Wissenschaften : Perspektiven der Wissenschaftsforschung. - Paderborn : Brill Mentis, 2022. - S. 79-105.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Lukas Alex, M. Ed.
Academic Assistant
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth