Team > Thordis Kokot, M. A., M. Ed.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
PhD Student
Thordis Kokot is a doctoral candidate in Contemporary History at the University of Bayreuth. Before joining the Lehrstuhl für Neueste Geschichte in Bayreuth, she studied History (M.A.), German linguistics and literature and Educational science (M.Ed.) at the University of Münster. She was an intern at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Berlin and worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Social History in Münster. Her research focuses on the social history of Germany in the 20th century, especially on social inequalities. In her current PhD project, Thordis examines female Greek migrant workers as political actors in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1960s and 1970s.
Kokot, Thordis: „… in der Frauenfrage drei Schritte zurück“? Die Wiedervereinigung aus Sicht der Ost-Berliner Frauengruppe Lila Offensive, in: Zeitgeschichte-Online, 08.03.2022: Link
Kokot, Thordis: Zur gar nicht mehr so Neuen Frauenbewegung und warum sie trotzdem heute noch von Bedeutung ist, in: Andreas H. Apelt/Maren Pusback (Hrsg.): Wie streitet Deutschland? Protestkultur heute und gestern. Halle 2023, S. 44-52.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Main Areas of Interest
- Social History of the 19th and 20th Century
- History of labor mirgation in the FRG
- History of the women's movements in the GDR and FRG
Research Project
- "Fighting for our rights ourselves" – Greek female 'guest workers' as political actors in the Federal Republic of Germany Link

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of Contemporary History
Thordis Kokot, M. A., M. Ed.
Phd Student